Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Canadian Red Cross Thunder Bay Flood Effort

Canadian Red Cross workers from across Canada

Volunteers have come from as far as Alberta and Newfoundland

Hard at work

Operations center

The Trailer

DM suburban

Logistics team hard at work

Official volunteer Vests

Luci and Megan two great workers

Local Red Cross volunteer Wendy Addison works closely with the deployed workers

Shelter managers meeting

Public Affairs David St. George

Local Disaster Management leader Ken Widdifield (right)

Liaison at work

Comfort kits containing shampoo, toothbrush, soap etc..

Cleaning Kit given to flood victims

Red cross worker having some fun

Home depot representatives prepare

Hanging the official CRC flag

Pat (left) is a deployed volunteer who was born in Thunder Bay

David St. George and Rob Zuback

Pat and Pat working at the registration center

Thank you for donating to the Red Cross Thunder Bay Flood Relief Fund

David St. George and Michelle Willis

Handing out cleaning kits

The outreach Suburban

Oliver doing outreach in the East End

The outreach team list

Municipal affairs and housing minister Kathleen Wynne declaring Thunder Bay a disaster zone

Kathleen Wynne with Deployed  Volunteer, Tim Steele

The head honchos

Salvation Army Major Merv Halvorsen and Thunder Bay Red Cross worker Sharon Bak

Red Cross workers restocking the supply truck

Cleaning kit and  supply truck

NDP leader Andrea Horwath here to "support the people of Thunder Bay"